Wednesday, July 30, 2008

鴨川セミナーハウス:2週間/ Kamogawa Seminar House: 2 Weeks (7)...


I went for a run today, this time with Mr. Awkward, after Amanda called it quits.

We ran down the hill from the seminar house, but this time out to a different part of town. However, we ended up walking most of the way back. I didn’t feel too bad, but the humidity is really killer, and he looked pretty wiped out too.

In class today, we “reflected” on our 討論会 experiences, and 原田先生 gave us comment cards that were very generous…it kind of made me feel bad the way people made sure to point out the one thing I actually did (the opening speech) and comment on how I did it very “logically” and without looking from my notes. Clearly I looked like I was going to burst into tears, which I only just barely managed not to do. But hopefully I looked pathetic enough that the teacher will be nice…I think she will.

Not much going on between lunch and dinner, but dinner…ooohh, DINNER….!. Dinner consisted of the most awesome little pork or beef or something, udon soup, and TAI SASHIMI. Also, because a bunch of people skated out right after classes, there was all these leftovers…I TOTALLY had THREE servings of sashimi. It was super-awesome-delicious.

After dinner Natuko-san and Hisa-san rounded up a bunch of us and we went out for karaoke. Mr. Awkward, in a moment of weakness, also came with.

The karaoke place was a bit of a dive, honestly, but being that it was probably the only one in a town which lacked the young-man-power to keep its yearly carry-the-mini-shrine-down-the-hill festival going, you can’t be too picky.

I ended up in the largest room, with bunch of guys including someone named Matt, who was kind of goofy but really nice and actually took time to encourage the few bashful ones among us to pick what we want and just belt it out, often picking up the slack or adding accompaniment, or even just passing along the mic even if it was a song he picked. Nice guy.

I sang 砂の盾, not too shabbily if I do say so myself, and took the lead a couple time for some of the other songs people picked for the “group” to sing. Matt and the rest of that particular posse of guys were pretty wasted by the middle of the evening. Lots of beer and cigarettes going around. I decided to just not drink anything while we were there, just in case.

Mr. Awkward was in the same room, and sang a few songs, too. He was pretty quiet and didn’t drink anything, so I imagine he probably didn’t have the greatest time. I thought it was plenty of fun, but you know everyone’s got one thing or another to get pissy about.

When we got back (making sure to take a cab NOT full of drunk twenty-somethings), I stayed up for a bit playing a card game called “Sushi” with a bunch of the girls. I lost miserably. They were about to start Cranium, but I was getting tired so I decided to hit the sack. Sadly, agonizingly (especially with my entire body saturated with cheap cigarette smoke) the showers were closed, so I had to lay out of towel and just sleep on top of my bed in my gym clothes for the next day. Blah.

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